Sara has been a storyteller pretty much since birth. Even if the genres and mediums change, the desire to tell tall tales remains the same.

GET IN TOUCH! sara@sympatheticlightning.com

Sara Century was born in Nashville in the mid-80s, but she’s moved around quite a bit in her day. After calling Denver home for most of her adult life, she’s been living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for the last few years. She’ll probably move again soon because she misses movie theaters and vegan restaurants.

As a kid, Sara sold stories to everyone she met, leveraging many a tale for a soda or candy bar. Ever since, she’s been slowly increasing her asking price while doing pretty much the same thing. The mediums may change, but her vibes have not. Sara loves animals, believes in bodily autonomy for all, and she’s been involved in a number of organizations working toward feminist, queer, antiracist, and/or environmentalist goals throughout her lifetime with no end in sight.

Having made several zines in her life, Sara recently got back into the game with movie-related zines, including Scream: An Overview of the First Six Films and My Wild Heart Bleeds With Yours: Writings On Lesbian Vampires.

For horror fans, you may know Sara from anthologies like The Fiends in the Furrows II, The NoSleep Podcast, The New Flesh: A Literary Tribute to David Cronenberg, Pandemic Unleashed, Profane Altars, Feral Architecture: Ballardian Horrors, and The Pinworm Factory: A Tribute to Eraserhead. Her first short story collection, A Small Light & Other Stories, was published in December 2022 through the great Weirdpunk Books.

Sara is the founder of Sympathetic Lightning, a photo/video production company. You can find her portfolio under the Photo and Video tabs, respectively. Also, if you like podcasts, that’s great, because Sara is on kind of a lot of them – she is the creator of the comic book podcast Best Issue Ever, and a guest on many others. You can find out more by following the Podcast tab.

Sara is indeed on some social media apps some of the time, but the best way to keep up with her antics is by subscribing to her newsletter. It only goes out a few times a year, so she swears that she will not spam you.